AppMain App Shell - [untitled] Form1, AppText Courier FileMenu &File FileNewCmd FileOpenCmd &Open... FileSaveCmd &Save FileSaveAsCmd Save &As... FileSep1 FilePrintCmd &Print... FilePrinterSetupCmd P&rinter Setup... FileSep2 FileExitCmd E&xit HelpMenu &Help UsingHelpCmd Using Help HelpSep2 HelpAboutCmd &About Week1Cmd_Click WeekLineupsCmd_Click FileOpenCmd_Click? HelpAboutCmd_Click CEAboute Modall ExitCmd_Click9 Form_Click| LoadItNew Caption@ CEMainU LeagueName WeekE CE_TotalWeeks ListCountX CE_DefaultWeeksi CE_TotalTeams CE_DefaultTeams TeamName @ Form_Load ListIndex TeamName_Click, Index CE_SelectedTeam BackColor ForeColor ExitProcessingy FileExitCmd_ClickP CheckForSelectedB false falsefalse TeamInfoCmd_Click LineupsCmd_Click\ FilePrinterSetupCmd_Click RetStr RetStrSize GetProfileString DriverName PortName DoPrinterSetup Form18 CEMail1 CE_OpenSaveTitleN CE_FileNames CE_Pattern CEOpenSave FileSaveAsCmd_Click CE_FilePattern LoadFileNew LoadMainControls CE_TeamNames CE_CurrentWeekO TeamNames CE_OpenTitle CEOpen CE_SaveTitle CESave App_OpenTitle? App_FileNameT App_FilePattern` App_OpenSaveStyle APP_OPENo AppOpenSave App_SaveTitle APP_SAVE FileSaveCmd_Click FileNewCmd_Click APP_NAME AppMainj AppFileName App_Path untitled CE_LeagueName FileMenu_Click FilePrintCmd_Click AppAbout HelpIndexCmd_Click LeagueName_Change OptionsCmd_ClickI Week_ChangeU Form_Unload Cancel0 RetStr2 RetStr2Size AppPrSetup PrSetupu CheckForChange APP_CANCEL App_Changed YES_BUTTON IDYES IDCANCEL AppPrint PrintFile SaveFile UsingHelpCmd_Click Worked WinHelp Cardfilea HELP_HELPONHELP NewNamen App_DialogReturn2 IDOKZ AppText_Change App_DataO AppText MB_YESNOCANCEL MB_ICONQUESTION} MB_ICONEXCLAMATION LoadFile LoadFileError FileNum% App_FullFileNameb MB_ICONSTOP MB_STOPICON NextLine FileExistsK MB_OKCANCEL MB_YESNO IDNO' SaveFileError< @ LoadMainTitle{ Form_Resize ScaleWidth ScaleHeight App_PrinterName Win_PrinterName App_PrintCopyNumber Copies AppPrinting Win_PrinterDriver Win_PrinterPort GetDefaultPrinter MODELESS App_PrintCopies Screen Pointert HOURGLASS DEFAULT MousePointer Sav_PrinterName Sav_PrinterDriver Sav_PrinterPort RestorePrinter App_PrintCancel App_Drive App_Pattern App_PathPattern WriteDefaultPrinter App_PrinterDriver App_PrinterPort NORMAL SplitFileName App_Extention( App_FileExtention App_FileExtension( Copyrights & CYAe App Shell is freeware with the following intent:: - You are free to incorporate App Shell into your code that will bes distributed in executable form. - You are free to distribute App Shell source or incorporate App Shell source into your source code assuming no charge is required and thisl copyright is maintained and acknowledged. - You are free to distribute App Shell source as shareware assumingi you are an approved vendor and associate member of the Associationi of Shareware Professionals (ASP). No registration fee is requiredi but this copyright must be maintained and acknowledged. - All other distribution rights are maintained by the author.q - The author makes NO warranties, express or implied, oral or written, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness fore a particular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the software.f If you find any bugs, anomalies, or have any questions or suggestions, please send them to Jim Presley (CIS ID - 73417,2674). Enjoy!e HelpAboutCmd_Click Form_Load load any file specified on the command line into memory File name entered on command line not valid." ExitProcessing FileExitCmd_Click FilePrinterSetupCmd_Click FileOpenCmd_Click Open File" load the file FileSaveAsCmd_Click save the file and load main form's captioni LoadFileNew LoadMainControls Form_Unload if processing returns that means the user cancelled the termination CheckForChange [Untitled] has changed. Save current changes? FileNewCmd_Click FilePrintCmd_Click get the print parameterse print the document make the printer the default" restore the default windows printer FileSaveCmd_Click SaveFile get a file name if untitled Save File As Save the file Error: " UsingHelpCmd_Click AppText_Change LoadFile Load the file Sorry, file too large" Error: " LoadMainTitle - [Untitled]" Form_Resize